- fepsac certified | certified by the european federation of sport psychology / fepsac as SASP / specialist in applied sport psychology
- mental coach | completion of the training "sportpsychological coaching and training in competitive sport" / accreditation by the german association of sport psychology
- psychotherapist | completion of the training for psychotherapy in the method catathym imaginative psychotherapy - a depth psychological method
- mag.rer.nat. | completion of the teacher training programme for higher schools in biology, philosophy and psychology
- numerous... | courses, workshops, supervisions, conventions and additional educations in the fields of sport psychology and psychotherapy
active mEmberships
- öbs austrian national network of sport psychology
- asp german association of sport psychology
- fepsac european federation of sport psychology
- ögatap austrian society for aplied depth psychology and general psychotherapy
- öbvp austrian society for psychotherapy